रविवार, 14 अक्टूबर 2007

Notice to Coca-Cola for 'contaminating wells'

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The State Pollution Control Board has issued a notice to the Coca-Cola unit at Plachimada in Palakkad district asking it to show cause why a criminal case should not be filed against it for polluting the environment. The notice recalled that the company had sold solid waste from the plant as fertilizer to local farmers and this had caused contamination of soil from heavy metals such as cadmium. The water in nearby wells was also polluted.
The convenor of the Plachimada Solidarity Council, R. Ajayan said this was the first time that criminal prosecution was being contemplated against a company for contaminating the environment, after the Bhopal tragedy. This gave confidence to those who were agitating against the company for the past 2,000 days. Mr. Ajayan demanded that steps should be initiated for proper assessment of the damage so that the victims of pollution could get compensation.

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